Sleep Health

How to Stop Oversleeping

How to Stop Oversleeping?

Breakfast is a wholesome meal of the day, and similarly, starting your day energized is also vital. But oversleeping can harm that energy, and even your mental health, and give your day a rough start. Oversleeping is a sleep disorder that generally happens when we’re so tired that the body doesn’t even move during deep sleep. Thus, we sleep even through the alarm.

Sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health, but oversleeping doesn’t just harm your sleep cycle schedule but also has some side effects. Sleep Science researchers advise sleeping comfortably but avoiding oversleeping. However, it’s okay to oversleep once in a while. But chronic oversleeping can cause obstructive sleep apnea, sleep disturbance, sluggishness, headache, and tiredness during the day. Also, it can cause you to be late for work, school, and other places where you’re supposed to be at a particular time.

If you feel that you’re oversleeping and ignoring your alarm clock, it’s time to check out our tips for getting a better night’s sleep, including making changes in your sleep schedule and lifestyle choices. For most people, making minor adjustments to the everyday schedule and night routines can make a difference. Here is our guide on how to stop oversleeping.

Is Oversleeping Bad?

When you oversleep frequently, it can spiral into a pattern where you oversleep excessively and regularly. As said above, oversleeping can make you late for appointments at work, school, or plans with friends and family. Another risk is not having enough time to organize yourself well and rush in the morning.

However, there is more problem oversleeping can cause than social obligations. Oversleeping also has physical consequences. There’s a theory that says that sleep disorders and the side effects of sleep deprivation can also be seen in oversleeping. For example, another theory found that people who oversleep or are sleep-deprived experience impaired cognition and obstructive sleep apnea. This comparison is with those who experience a deep sleep cycle for seven hours regularly.

Sleep deprivation also causes frequent headaches, and the same can be seen with people who sleep more than eight hours a day. Also, the quality of sleep is another factor. Oversleeping doesn’t confirm the top-notch quality of sleep, and the same goes for sleep deprivation. The quality of sleep is why after sleeping for longer than usual, you may feel sleepy during the day.

Experts also assume weight gain to be a cause for both sleeping less and oversleeping. The connection is similar to sleep-deprived; when you don’t sleep enough, you gain weight, and when you oversleep, you gain weight. Another side effect of oversleeping is depression. Researchers and experts suspect people who sleep more than they should experience depression symptoms. The same goes for sleep-deprived people.

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How to Avoid Oversleeping?

Now that you’ve accepted the fact, it’s time to try and stop oversleeping. There are ways to stop the excessive sleeping cycle and get rid of headaches and poor sleep quality. With some sleep tips below, you can regulate the natural circadian rhythm and wake up on time with a fresh mind.

Use a Natural Alarm

Try to wake up naturally and have no alarms. The sound of alarm clocks is brutal, and while it gets you out of bed, you wake up because of a dreadful voice. You don’t want to curse anything and wake up unhappy. The sound of an alarm clock can make you do that, so try avoiding it.

Instead, you can change the shades of your curtains to something more light or transparent. So the morning light can enter the room, hit on you, and wake you up in a better way. It is a very subtle way to help you wake up in the morning using natural light and no artificial noise. Waking up naturally also allows you to have a better relationship with the morning.

Once you’re up, you can keep yourself awake with a routine. Stay in bed for a few minutes readying you for the day. You can also get up and tidy your bed. Some people also try body stretches to get the blood running in their system.

If you’re one of those people who like to wake up before the sun comes out, you can go for alarm with soothing music. Gentle alarm music that sounds natural, like crashing waves or chirping birds.

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

Having an organized sleep schedule and sticking to it keeps the circadian rhythm of your body in check. Sleeping and waking up at the same time habituate your body to follow the routine. This routine helps to fall asleep quickly, have a high-quality sleep, and wake up fresh.

Including a sleep routine in your schedule takes some time, but once you regulate it, you become a part of your habits, and it just flows naturally. You need to train your mind and body to follow a sleep schedule to achieve quality sleep. There are numerous ways to refine your sleep schedule, including meditation, exercise, music, and other things.

You can include a small nighttime routine and keep it the same for every night to sleep faster Meditation, reading a book, or listening to reverb music for 10 to 15 minutes before drifting off to sleep is always advisable. You can also go for a soothing bath before bed as it’ll relax your body and induce sleep.

Upgrade Your Mattress

Most people find it hard to sleep because their mattress is not comfortable enough. For example, if your mattress is not keeping you cool at night, you are bound to wake up in the middle of the night and find it hard to go back to sleep. Also, people who sleep with partners need to have a motion isolation mattress. Such mattresses will not disturb the other when one person moves around in bed.

People may also have trouble sleeping if their mattress is beginning to age. So how long does a mattress last and when should you get it replaced? Mattresses on average last around 8 years. If you think your mattress is losing its support and comfort, we highly recommend to buy mattresses online

Many different types of mattresses are available in the market, like latex, memory foam, and innerspring. Whether you have a queen bed mattress or a twin mattress and box spring set, with a comfortable mattress, you can fall asleep quickly and don’t have to make any changes or include activities in your busy schedule.

Visit Mancini’s Sleepworld 

If you’re unsure which mattress to buy for a comfortable sleep, you can book an appointment with Mancini’s Sleepworld. Their mattress stores are available in 34 locations in Northern California and are soon coming to San Ramon. Be sure to check out SleepMatch, exclusively at Mancini’s Sleepworld. SleepMatch helps you find the perfect mattress with ease by taking measurements of thousands of parameters and providing you a color-coded result of mattresses at Mancini’s Sleepworld. Since SleepMatch is sleeping science and way more effective than just a salesperson’s advice.


  1. "The Effects of Oversleeping." Sleep Foundation, Accessed 10 May 2023.
  2. "Oversleeping: Causes, Side Effects, and How to Stop." Cleveland Clinic, Accessed 10 May 2023.

September 17, 2021