Mattress Care

How often should you replace your pillows as well as mattress after Illness

How often should you replace your pillows as well as mattress after Illness

If you're experiencing body pain, your sleep surface may be to blame. Consider replacing your old mattress with a new, high-quality, supportive mattress.

Back problems are common and are often attributed to the type of mattress you own, relative to your natural sleeping positions. Durability, edge support, motion isolation and firmness level all come into consideration when you need body and back pain relief. Hip pain can be related to side sleeping on a mattress that doesn't provide enough support, as can shoulder and neck pain. Sciatica pain is also common at night among back pain sufferers, and is a direct result of how hips and joints are directed by the construction of your mattress. If you realize that you're sleeping poorly or waking in pain, consider shopping for the best mattress for back pain. A new, supportive mattress can alleviate soreness and help you feel pain-free. Choosing a new mattress may take a bit of trial and error, but a new bed often leads to pressure relief, and improves your overall sleep quality.

February 26, 2021