Sleep Health

How to Regulate Your Breathing Against Sleep Apnea

How to Regulate Your Breathing Against Sleep Apnea

According to the studies conducted by the American Sleep Association, shortness of breath while sleeping is a common disorder. According to reports, one-third of the Americans report sleep disordered breathing, and more than 10 percent experience trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It is understandable that your sleep schedule can change for various reasons like homework, financial strains, work, burnouts, and other psychological reasons. However, it is essential to get a good night’s sleep without much stress. 

If you find it difficult to fall asleep quickly or be asleep, then there are multiple techniques in sleep breathing that can help you. There are exercises to fall asleep with peace and staying asleep for the appropriate period by focusing on your breathing while in bed.

Why Does Shortness of Breath While Sleeping Occur?

Many factors contribute to sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops and starts for a few seconds but can go up to minutes. The condition can repeatedly occur throughout the night if you are severely affected by it. Apart from sleep apnea, other factors can cause sleep breathing issues like restless legs syndrome, working night shifts, as well as hereditary conditions like narcolepsy, depression, and anxiety. 

While, you can combat some of these issues by owning a soft and comfortable soft memory foam mattress, for a more refreshing sleep, there are sleeping breathing techniques that you can try.

Breathing Techniques for Sleep

There are multiple techniques you can try to regulate your breathing while sleeping. However, there are some protocols to follow before trying these sleep breathing methods. These protocols are basic guidelines that are followed in almost all guided breathing techniques for better sleep.

1. Buteyko Breathing

Steps for Buteyko breathing technique:

  • Close your mouth gently while sitting on your comfortable mattress. Start to breathe for 30 seconds at an average pace through your nose. 
  • Take another intentional breath, in and out, through your nose while keeping your mouth closed. 
  • Now, close your nose gently with your thumb and forefinger while keeping your mouth closed too until you long to breathe again. 
  • When you feel you need to breathe again, keep your mouth closed and breathe in and out through your nose.

This technique helps with sleep breathing and resets your body to a regular breathing system. 

2. Kapalbhati Breathing Exercise

It is pranayama, said to be the best method to keep your breathing proper by the Art of Living. It involves a series of inhaling and exhaling exercises. 

  • Start by sitting with a straight spine in a comfortable position and put your hands on your knees. You can sit on a chair with your legs crossed on the floor or your bed comfortably.
  • Take in a deep breath.
  • At the time of exhaling, give out a short burst by contracting your belly. To feel your abdominal muscles contract, you can also keep a hand on your stomach to regulate.
  • By releasing your abdomen quickly, you will feel your lungs directly when you inhale again.
  • To complete one round of Kapalbhati, follow this process of inhaling and exhaling twenty times.
  • Upon finishing one round, you can close your eyes and feel the positive sensations in your body.
  • Repeat two more rounds to complete the process for one day. 

This guided breathing sleep exercise is known to open the sinuses and also improve concentration.

3. Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise

To perform a diaphragmatic sleep breathing exercise:

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees over a pillow.
  • Next, keep one hand flat, on your stomach and the other against the chest. 
  • Take deep and slow breaths using your nose and not your mouth. You’ll feel your hand on the stomach rising and falling while the hand on the chest will be still. 
  • Now, start to breathe with your pursed lips. 
  • The goal here is to breathe slowly and deeply without moving your chest.

This use of this technique is to strengthen your diaphragm and decrease the need for oxygen. 

4. Three-Part Breathing Exercise

This breathing exercise has only three steps and is also quick.

  • Start by taking a long and deep breath.
  • Now, focus solely on your body and feel the flow while exhaling fully.
  • Follow the process a few times and then slow down your exhaling process so that it is twice compared to the inhaling time. 

Most people follow this guided breathing sleep exercise as it’s easy.

5. Bhramari Pranayama Sleep Breathing Exercise

It is an ancient practice for breath regulation and can be performed using the following steps:

  • Take deep breaths, in and out, while keeping your eyes closed.
  • Keep your ears covered using your hands. 
  • Now, put index fingers on your eyebrows and remaining fingers to close your eyes. 
  • While breathing, put gentle pressure on the sides of your nose while focusing on your brows.
  • When you breathe, start humming the “om” sound keeping your mouth closed throughout the process.
  • Repeat this process five times to complete one round of the Bhramari pranayama.

This breathing technique is known for quickly reducing heart rate and breathing. The sensation of “om” is very calming for your mind, and the humming puts your body cells at rest, helping you to fall asleep quickly. 

To read about more guided breathing sleep exercises, click here.

Why Should You Try Breathing Techniques for Sleep?

These breathing exercises are essential for those who find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. These exercises decrease sleep apnea, insomnia, and other similar sleep disorders. According to sleep science experts, these exercises become more beneficial when performed on a plush and comfortable mattress as it increases the blood flow and relaxes the body. Thus, helping you to fall asleep faster. 

To find the perfect sleeping partner for you, check out mattresses by Mancini;s Sleepworld. We are now available in 34 locations where our sleep experts will help you dream at night and not toss and turn in bed. You can choose from various mattresses like gel mattresses, adjustable mattresses, memory foam mattresses, King Koil mattresses, hybrid mattresses, and many others.

July 07, 2021