Style Your Home

The ultimate furniture-care guide

The ultimate furniture-care guide

Now that you finally bought that gorgeous piece of furniture you’ve wanted for your home, all you need to worry about now is to take good care of it and make it last forever!

When creating a stylish and comfortable home, you can’t compromise on quality or style. Make your house a home with Mancini’s Sleepworld’s huge selection of premium quality furniture pieces. From living room furniture to the bedroom and kids' room furniture, Mancini’s Sleepworld has it all!

Furniture comes in many different types and styles, like wood, fabric, leather, etc. Know and understand the cleaning techniques and range of fibers, materials, and finishes used. Good quality furniture can last a lifetime if taken care of well. It is a good practice to ask for specific cleaning and care guide when buying new furniture.

For the Protection of furniture already in your home, here are a few simple tips to keep them looking as good as new for many generations to come. 

Disclaimer: There is no way out; this is a chore, but you have to learn to love it. So, roll up your sleeves and put on an apron: we're going to deep clean.

1.Spot Clean

Spot cleaning is the best and easiest way to save your furniture from spills and stains. If you spot clean quickly, there is a good chance you won’t have to worry about it later on.

Use a damp soft cloth, you can even use baby wipes and clean the spot by gently dabbing it. Dry that area with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.

To avoid coffee rings and heat damage, make it a point to use coasters to set glasses or mugs, especially on wooden tables. Protect your table with decorative table mats and covers to prevent accidental spills or stains.

2. Environmental Damage

The environment can be harsh on furniture. Avoid placing indoor furniture in direct sunlight, rain, or humidity. Place them away from uncovered windows, vents, or fireplaces, as intense light or heat can fade and damage the wood or fabric.

Vacuum cleaning sofa set


3.The good old wipe down

Regular wiping down your coffee tables is one chore you should start to love because it’s the best way to care for your furniture. Everyone likes a clean and dust-free home.

For wooden furniture: Frequent dusting with a soft cloth or a cotton t-shirt, vacuuming with a soft brush attachment works well to keep away dust. Using a feather or lambswool duster works for ornate furniture.

For spills and stains, you can also soak a cloth in water and then ring it out until it’s almost dry and wipe down the surface of your wooden furniture. Once you are done with that, dry the table or wipe it down with a dry cloth, and it’s as good as new!

For fabric furniture: Regular vacuuming of your fabric furniture will help remove the dust, dirt, pet hair, and other allergens that settle in fabrics. Fabrics can last a long if taken care of well.

For spills, the faster you attend to a spill, the better. Unattended spills have a good chance of soaking in and setting into the fabric causing a stain. Quickly grab a clean absorbent cloth or a paper towel and place it over the spill. Do not scrub; that will only push the spill deep into the fabric. Leave the cloth until all the liquid has been absorbed. You can air-dry the spill on a low setting.

For leather furniture: Grab a soft, damp cloth and use it to wipe out noticeable spills and stains. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to clean up the food crumbs, debris, pet hair, etc., from seams and corners.

A regular wipe down with a leather conditioner will help keep that leather chair in top shape. Cover the spill with a soft dry cloth if you notice a spill on your leather couch. This process soaks up the excess liquid. Ensure not to scrub it; this might stain deeper and sink in further. Once the liquid is soaked, gently wipe down with a damp cloth.

Be careful not to use all-purpose cleaners, detergents, or harsh chemical cleaners on furniture; as they may have strange reactions and damage fibers, materials, or wooden finishes.

4. Waxing & Oiling

If you think your furniture has become overly dry, you may need to re-oil it. Wooden furniture should be waxed or oiled depending on the wood you have. Waxing or oiling your wooden furniture can give it an instant facelift. Beeswax mineral oil, teak oil, or tung oil are popular choices.

Know your codes:

Usually, your fabric furniture will come with codes, have them handy before you start cleaning.


You can spot clean with special upholstery shampoo or upholstery dry cleaning solvents. Pile fabrics may require brushing.


Spot clean with water-free dry-cleaning solvent. Do not saturate with liquid.

Do not use water or bleach.


Spot clean only with water-based upholstery shampoo. Do not saturate. Do not use solvents or bleach to spot clean.


Clean only by vacuuming or light brushing with a non-metallic brush only. Do not clean with water, bleach, or solvent based cleaner.


Fabric requires dry cleaning only.


Fabric can be safely washed in a washing machine.

The bottom line

Household tips and tricks are most effective. These might be time-consuming, but the reward will be a beautiful and clean home. People who love to clean will vouch for a gentle cleaning solution, a washcloth and a strong arm to keep a home a sparkling one.

The last tip of this article is that certified professionals are great. It is wise to keep in mind that DIY tips and tricks are practical. However, some pieces need that extra attention that only certified professionals can offer. If you need top-quality mattresses, furniture, and sleep essentials, including items like recliner chairs and more, shop at Mancini's Sleepworld!

May 18, 2022