All Things Sleep

Tips on cleaning memory-foam mattresses

Tips on cleaning memory-foam mattresses

Memory foam mattresses are known for superior comfort, body contouring abilities, and weight distribution properties.

Made up of synthetic material called viscoelastic foam, Memory Foam mattresses are highly durable and fit most body types and sleeping styles. These mattresses are great investments that help you sleep better. However, they must be kept in reasonable condition to serve you longer and better.  All mattresses, over time, absorb moisture and accumulate dust, dead skin cells, dirt, sweat, and allergens which lead to a musty bed.

Like everything else in your house needs cleaning and care, memory foam mattresses are no different. Caring for your mattress can go a long way in keeping it in good shape. All you need is a few household cleaning agents to do the job. Take a look at this simple guide and keep your mattress fresh and clean always.

Tips and reminders

Extend your mattress's life by indulging in mattress care and maintenance. You can also follow the below tips: 

  • Before you start, check and follow the mattress cleaning instructions guide that comes along with the product.
  • Rotate your mattress every 4-6 months. This helps in regaining its original shape evenly.
  • Sun is the best natural disinfectant. Go ahead and find a sunny spot for your mattress. This will help get rid of all the dust mites and odors.
  • Wash your bedding with lukewarm water every week.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals such as bleach.
  • Ensure your mattress is completely dry before putting it back on the bed. A damp mattress or bedding could be home to molds and mildew.  

Vacuum Clean

The easiest way to get rid of dust, pollen, dead cells, pet hair, etc., is by vacuum cleaning. Use a handheld or the special upholstery attachment to vacuum clean the entire surface. 

  • A quick run with the vacuum cleaner every time you change your sheets will help a great deal.
  • Dead cells and dust accumulate in the nooks and corners of the mattress; make sure you don't ignore those areas. 

Spot Clean

If you find a dried stain on your mattress, treat it by spot cleaning it. Make a homemade solution containing 1-part mild detergent and 2-parts warm water in a spray bottle until dissolved. Spray this mixture on the stain and rub the stain in a circular motion. Use a fresh, damp cloth to clean it further. After the stain is treated, place a new dry towel over the wet area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes till its completely dry.

You can steam clean your mattress to extract deep stains. Alternatively, you can add a tablespoon of vinegar and lemon to remove any tough odors or stains.


Ensure your mattress is completely dry before putting your bedding back on. You can either position your mattress in a sunny spot or let it air dry under the fan. You can also use a hairdryer on medium heat to speed up the process. Do not use a hairdryer on high heat as that can damage the foam. 


Benefits of a clean mattress

Regular mattress cleaning can help take care of any allergens or even mold or mildew. The first step in mattress care is protecting your mattress from any damage or debris. Even though spot cleaning and vacuum cleaning are an option, mattress protectors protect the mattress and keep it away from dust mites, pollen, and bed bugs.

There are also waterproof mattress protectors that offer extra protection to people who enjoy snacking or drinking in bed.


All mattresses wear out after a point. With a little care, you can push the date years down the road up to 10 years. 


Humans sweat, and mattresses trap that moisture which might end up in mildew or dead skin cells. Before these pests stink up the room, vacuum your mattress. Along with a clean room and bedding, a clean mattress gives way to clean and comfortable sleep. 

Dust and debris

No one wants to sleep on a dusty or musty mattress. Regular vacuuming of your memory foam mattress throws dust mites right outside the window. 

Air quality 

Are you prone to allergies? It probably means that there are tons of bacterial dust, mites, and other microscopic allergens living on your mattress and bedding along with you. Regular care helps get rid of these all at one go, thus improving the room's overall air quality. Breathe clean air to improve overall health and sleep.



Remember, a good night's sleep is vital for daily functioning. The only way to achieve one is to take care of your mattress and its surroundings. Invest in a mattress protector that is washable and waterproof to take care of your mattress. 

Nothing beats sleeping on a clean and fresh mattress. You can use this process for memory foam, latex, or pillow-top mattresses. We hope this guide helped you follow how to clean a dirty mattress. Wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

May 12, 2022